Wednesday, November 11, 2009

the supervisor

supervisor supervise those who're supposed to be supervised and also those who are forced to be supervised.
however,some of the supervised enjoyed being supervised but some do not~~why???
supervisor in a school=the teacher
why it must be us to be supervised,tortured by supervisor?
why cant they stop giving us order with gunSSSSS in their hands?
why cant they stop nagging at us?especially to cut our hair!!!
it's totally unfair!!!
i know,the world is fully of unfairness,it's imbalance,in every aspect.
why those supervisor keep on asking us to behave like this person ah,that person ah...why???
we're not the same.NOT THE SAME!!!
he has his way and i have my own way.
i dont want to follow his path.i just want to behave like who i am~
i dont care how others just a normal "worker"
over praise will make one person become arrogant,or better known as LS among us... 
stop pointing us with unfairness.WTF~
huh...feel so good after bad-mouthing the supervisor..heeeee^^
thanks for being with me all the time dear...
i'll be there for you.anytime.any long as you need me.

love you~

Friday, October 30, 2009

---over you---

everything has it's own limit...
the way you talk,
the way you act,
the way you judge a person,
the way you present yourself...

every person has their own abilities
their own acting,
their own style,
their own mind,
their own thinking,
their own values,
their own life...

you couldn't expect a person who has such huge age gap with you to behave and think like you...
the world's changing and so does people's thinking.we have our own brain and we use it everyday.
it's not we must follow and obey you in every couldn't expect us to have such behaviour and thinking.voice out your opinion!
we have our own life,though we still need you to guide us.

remember,everyone is DIFFERENT!!!
as what you learn from bio,we're genetically different though we might have some similarities in our genes...

Monday, October 26, 2009


why should we talk?
why should we walk?
why should we breath?
why should we eat?
why should we drink?
why should we laugh?
why should we cry?
why should we be angry?
why should we be frustrated?
why should we be jealous?
just because of you!
you bring me to life
you brighten up my life
you cheer up my life
it's you...
my family,my friends,and of course you,my babe~

as time goes on,
the world rotates,
the man walks,
the women talks,
everything is changing....
do appreciate everything everyone every second you have right now~
you wouldn't know what will happen the next second,
the sky  might collapse,
the people might leave you,
you might leave ur beloved.
so,i gonna say I LOVE YOU as many times as i could before i leave this world...
love you love you love you love you love you love you love you love you...muackxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Fifty Inch Long

There's a man who has fifty inch long penis.

But sadly to say, he can't get any sex, because every woman
who sees it, faints at the sight. So he goes to the doctor and
begs him to shorten it. However, the doctor refuses.

The doctor can't shorten a perfectly good penis, and so
he tells the man, but he does happen to know a witch who
lives in the forest and that she might be able to help.

The man with a heavy heart, decides to go to the forest and
visit the witch, though of course he thinks it's all a bit odd.
But he sets off into the forest and sure enough finds the witch
sitting in front of her cottage casting spells.

"Witch," he says, "please help me, I have a fifty inch long penis
and no one will have sex with me!"

The witch takes one look at his massive cock and then says,
"Wow, you do need my help!!! But you must go into the forest
and find the magic frog who lives in the pond.
Ask him to marry you, and each time he refuses, your penis
will shrink by ten inches!"

Weird though this is, but the man is desperate, so off he goes
into the forest. And, sure enough, he finds the magic frog singing
a Xmas carols quietly to itself.

"Froggy," he shouts, "please marry me!"

The frog looks up, annoyed. "No!" he croaks,
"I can't do that, seeing as how I'm a frog and you're a man."

The guy looks down, sure enough, his penis has shrunk by ten inches!
"It's unbelievable!!!" The man shouted!

However, it's still too long for sex, he thinks, at forty inches,
but he's delighted, so he shouts back at the frog:

"Oh, go on, please marry me!"

"No - I told you once!" the frog croaks, "I can't do that!"
The man looks down - sure enough, his penis has shrunk by
ten inches again! It's now only thirty inches long!

The guy thinks this is wonderful but, still, another
ten inches off would be perfect!

"Frog," The man roars across the pond, "please marry me!"

The frog looks extremely annoyed, shakes his head and shouts,
"No ..........NO.....AND FOR THE LAST TIME.........NO!"

The Bullet

A pregnant woman is in the bank when the bank is robbed.

A gunfight breaks out, and she is shot 3 times in the abdomen.
She is then rushed to the hospital.

Miraculously, she is unharmed.
After giving a full examination, though, the doctor tells her,
"I have good and bad news for you."

"You are going to have triplets, but each baby has a bullet in it.
Luckily, they have hit no vital organs, and eventually your children
will pass the bullets naturally."

Twelve years pass, and she has forgotten the incident in the bank.

One day, the first child, a daughter, comes to her mother and says,
"Mom, the strangest thing just happened. I was using the toilet,
and I passed a bullet."

The mother explains everything, and she assures her daughter
that everything is okay.

A few weeks later, the second child, also a daughter, comes to
her mother and says, "Mom, the strangest thing just happened."

The mother interrupts her and says,
"You passed a bullet, right?"

The mother goes on to tell the daughter the story.

Several weeks later, the third child, a son, comes to his mother and says,
"Mom, the strangest thing just happened."

The mother interrupts him and says,
"You passed a bullet, right?"

The son says, "No, Mom"
I was masturbating and shot the dog!"

The Test Results

A man is lying in bed in the hospital with an oxygen mask over his mouth.

A young nurse appears to sponge his hands and feet.
"Nurse," he mumbles from behind the mask,
"Are my testicles black?"

Embarrassed, the young nurse replies,
"I don't know, I'm only here to wash your hands and feet".

He struggles again to ask, "Nurse, are my testicles black?"

Finally, she pulls back the covers, raises his gown,
holds his penis in one hand and his testicles in her other hand
and takes a close look, and says
"There is nothing wrong with them!"

Finally, the man pulls off his oxygen mask and replies,
"That was very nice but, are... my... test... results... back?


When Marie was 16, she hoped that one day she would have a boyfriend.

When she was 18, she got a boyfriend, but there was no passion.
So she decided she needed a passionate guy with a zest for life.

In college she dated a passionate guy, but he was too emotional.
Everything was an emergency, he was a drama queen,
cried all the time and threatened suicide.

So Marie decided she needed a guy with stability.

When she was 25, she found a very stable guy but he was boring.
He was totally predictable and never got excited about anything.

Life became so dull that she decided she needed a guy with
some excitement.

When Marie was 28, she found an exciting guy,
but she couldn't keep up with him.

He rushed from one thing to another, never settling on anything.
He did mad, impetuous things and flirted with everyone he met.
He made Marie miserable as often as happy.
He was great fun initially and very energetic, but directionless.

So Marie decided to find a guy with some ambition.

When she turned 31, she found a smart ambitious guy with
his feet planted firmly on the ground and married him.
He was so ambitious that he divorced Marie,
took everything she owned, and ran off with her best friend.

And now, Marie 47 decided to find a guy with a big dick!

The Wake

A man at a retirement home was walking around with his
zipper down holding his penis.

A young nurse says "Why are you doing that?"

He replies, "It died today."
"Oh that's terrible!", the nurse replied.

The next day the man has his penis hanging outside of his pants again.
The same nurse says, "I thought it died yesterday."

The man replies, "It did. Today is the wake"

Friday, October 2, 2009



於是,有一天,集合公司內所有已婚男士說: 「覺得自己怕老婆的人站到左邊,覺得自己不怕老婆的人站到右邊。」

之後,只見一陣騷動,大部分人都去左邊,只有一個去右邊,還有兩個站在原地不 動。


那人回答道:「我老婆交代過我,若公司中有分派系時,要保持中立,那一邊都不要 參加,所以我站在中間。」


第二個人答道:「我老婆說:凡事不可自己做決定,要先問她才算,我可不可以先打 個電話給她呀?」



真受不了,beh tong nia。。。

Friday, September 25, 2009

just you and me

can i be a better man?
how can i be a better man?
use wat?hand?nose?ear?eyes?mouth?blain?

why should i be a better man?
to cheat ppl?to become famous?

when will i be a be better man?
today?tomorrow?after i die?

who will help me be a better man?
i know just know one who could help me
with her,i automatically know how to be a better man...
with her,i must be a better man,to bring happiness for her...

with her,all the the time,i know how to be a better man...
YA YA YA>>>its you its you....
your presence lighten up my life
your presence brighten up my life
your presence makes me stay alive
thank you for becoming part of my life...

~love you always~

Wednesday, September 23, 2009



Tuesday, September 22, 2009


从小到大,不管做什么事,一定要脚踏实地! 千万不可偷懒,偷工减料,做小动作,走后门,走歪路,走所谓的shortcut...这就是我的老妈对我重复又重复的。。。 为什么做人要踏踏实实呢? 因为。。。 你不知道走小路时,前面有什么,后面的东西是不是在改变, 你只能得到一时的爽快,一时的高兴,一时的兴奋,一时的满足, 但是你却万万想不到你走的小路,别人也走过,别人也经历过。 也许那条小路时别人设计的陷阱,为的是要捉住那些贪心,不努力却要求回报的人, 给予他们惩罚,教训。。。 抄捷径的快感是很短暂的, 那种快感也许只会持续几天,几小时,几分钟,几秒钟。。。 但是,它所带来的教训,惩罚,却足于让你后悔一辈子。。。 不要以为自己找到shortcut而感到骄傲,不可一世, 要记得“麻雀捕蝉,黄莺在后”。。。 你得到的肯定比你错过的少,你失去的肯定比你得到的多。。。 很多人就是走小路而害了自己, 害了自己不用紧,害了别人就不好了。。。 好像最近我国的一个体育馆, 竟然会倒塌。。。 为什么这个体育馆会倒塌呢? 就是承包商为了加快完工,而偷工减料 ,为了赶上一个小到不能再小的运动会。。。 他们完全忽略了人民的安全。。。 为的只是自己的利益。。。 幸好倒塌的时候不是在运动会进行当中,要不然就大祸了。。。 报章上所刊登的新闻也显示了人们走小路的心理 好像skim cepat kaya... 难道你认为出几千块就能让你得到双倍的回酬吗?不! 他们就是看准人们的心态,想走小路赚大钱的心态 世上哪会有那么便宜的事!!! 没劳动又怎么会有收获呢? 天底下没有不劳而获的!!! 千万要记得, 一分耕耘,一分收获!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


"is form 6 suitable for you?"
my answer is YES!!!
though i cant rily follow the syllabus
though i cant rily understand the teachers are mumbling
though i cant rily complete all the homework given by the teachers
i will try my best to follow the syllabus
i will try my best to understand it
i will try my best to complete all the homeworkSSS

i know it would not be a simple way to conquer STPM
but for my better future,my better life for you,
i will use up all my energy to obtain the highest achievement that i can and i desire...

love you,BABE...muackxxxxxxxxxx

Thursday, August 27, 2009

world war III

why cant you all stop pointing fingers to each other when facing a problem???
that is just a small matter.why cant you just decrease your volume and discuss it???
why must you all argue,argue and argue???after arguing,there must be someone who will get hurt.
then,the one who get hurt will shout like hell,being dragged to hell...
what the fuck!!!
why cant you all just sit down and have a talk and solve the problem?
you cant solve the problem when you are frustrated.
you cant solve the problem with shouting at each other.
c'mon,lets sit down and talk with open heart...understand each other and solve the problem.
bro,please be wise...respect the old ones...dont always find lame reasoning for your misdeed...
tell us what was in your mind,what you think...if you just keep it to yourself,then the matter will get worse and worse...
can i have a peace and loving family?
i wish i could have it...
maybe in ten years time,i will have a family.
so,i wouldnt repeat what you all have done.
i want a family full with love and respect and understanding,.
i dont want a family full with noises and argument!
of course,i love you all..though i'm not happy with current situation.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


为什么世界上会有吵架呢? 为什么世界上会有争执呢? 为什么世界上会有误会呢?
都是人自己在作怪。。。 就是因为有自己的想法。 就是因为有自己的看法。 就是因为有自己的观点。
每个人,在处理一件事,判断一件事, 都会从自己的观点出发。。。 每个人往往都会忘记别人的观点是怎样的。。。 就是这样,吵架,争执,误会一个一个出现了。。。
为什么我们不能从对方的观点出发呢? 这样,世界会更美好的=)

Monday, August 24, 2009



Thursday, August 20, 2009

again again and againnnnnnnnnnnn


Thursday, August 13, 2009

sudden death...

suddenly,i fell myself was a bad guy...
a totally bad guy...
bad expression,bad body language,bad speaking skills...

suddenly,i fell myself did so many things that makes other people confused and angry...
i'm totally a nerd!!!
a nerd!!!
a useless guy!!!
sudden death to hippo~

Friday, August 7, 2009

cold wars....

how many times do u wan me to repeat???
it's not we dun wan to obey u...
it's u who makes us cannot obey u...
if we follow and do what u wan from us,is that means that we are good,obedient???
no!!!if we do follow u,we're just like a robot without any self opinion...
we're living in the 21th century,we cannot control people,esp our own children...
rmb,we are human,we have a brain,we have our own thinking...
please dun monitor our brain!!!u're not a dictator...
we're not perfect...we're human...
every organism will make mistakes,even my dog oso makes mistakes..
it's irrational to order a person to correct his weakness in a short period...
we're ur children,not ur workers,ur dog,ur pets...we are human,we have feelingS!!!
please respect us we will respect u as you

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


u rily treat me as ur fren???i dun think so...
whenever i did sth,talk to somebody,though i dint have any motive,u will jz become angry,and of course black faced,and bo syok...
u're totally different from who u was when i first knw u...
wat i do now,i dont mean to hurt u...
sometimes,it's jz fate...
when it comes,u muz accept it,when i goes,u muz accept it too...
anyway,i apologize,though i still think and i know wat i have and do now is nothing to do with betraying u...sorry bro...



true friends

why we need friends???
why friends are very important???why???why???
the answer is very simple...
friends will lend us their hands when we need help,
friends will share everything with us,
friends will give us support and advices whenever we make any decision...
friends are not those who pretend to befriend with you,but take bad things about you at ur back,which could mean backstab you,
friends are not those who cant trust you,
friends are not those who will betray you,
friends are not those who will not reply your message even they saw it!!!